Pet Food & Nutrition

(Tiny, Mini, Medium, & Standard) Full Grown Bernedoodle Size

Bernedoodle as the name suggests is a mixed-breed dog.  It is a cross breed between a Bernese Mountain dog which are usually bigger in size and a poodle which are fluffy and hairy. A full grown Bernedoodle acquires the traits of both the parent breeds as it is a hybrid dog. The Bernese Mountain dogs are usually found in large sizes and are gentle in nature. They have a three-color coat and have a strong build. Poodles on the other hand can be found in different sizes, they are very intelligent dog breed. The poodles also possess a coat which doesn’t shed much leading people around them to be less likely to have allergic reactions. An average Bernedoodle dog lives from 10 to 15 years; however; the life span depends on the environment they are growing in and health conditions as well.

While cross breeding both these breeds, it doesn’t matter which one is a male and which one is a female. The resultant / hybrid breed is always having the traits which are similar to both the parents.  They usually acquire the best traits from each parent. Overall, the full grown Bernedoodle has a kind and gentle nature, they are intelligent and easy to be trained. It is important to keep the following facts in mind though:

a. The size of hybrid Bernedoodle dog depends a lot on the size of poodle involved in the cross-breeding process. The full grown Bernedoodle can be miniature, standard or a toy size depending on the size of the poodle.

b. Their coats also may vary from wavy to curly depending on the parent breeds.

c. The above traits make them suitable for a pet dog, however, this suitability also depends on their lineage, generation, the care provided to them and the type of training they were given.

d. If you are planning to monitor the process of cross breeding then it is advised to choose the parent breeds with the desirable traits and characteristics. This advice is given as the hybrid breed of a Bernedoodle depends solely on the characteristics possessed by the parent breeds.

Where can you find the Bernedoodle?

The Bernedoodle dogs are available in different parts of the world. They are especially found in the places where dog ownership and breeding are most popular. These places include:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia &
  • European countries

The availability of the Bernedoodle dogs in the regions may vary, however; it is best to look for a suitable and reputable dog breeder. When choosing a reputable breeder, you should keep the following things in mind:

1.Ethical Standards: The breeder should follow ethical standards in raising the dogs. They should be the ones prioritizing health over the profit.

2.Health Testing: They should follow health testing on the parent breeds or dogs before the process of cross breeding. This ensures that the dog being cross bred are free from any genetic or hereditary conditions leading to a healthy Bernedoodle.

3.Hygienic Environment & Sociability: The dogs should be raised in clean and safe environment to grow healthy. They should be trained properly to be able to socialize with people and new environments.

4.Knowledgeability should be able to answer all of your questions regarding the dog’s lineage, their generation, the traits / characteristics or any genetic problems if there are any.

5.Legality: The breeder should provide you with the dog’s registration document which include the dog’s pedigree and the parental information.

6.Breeding Community Membership: They must be part of other breeding and kennel clubs which proves their commitment and involvement in the breeding industry.

7.Unethical Means: You should avoid the breeders who are a part of the puppy mills. They follow unethical procedures during the breeding process. These breeders are known for treating the breeding dogs or the new puppies badly and their focus is not the quality of breed; instead, their target is more on quantity.

8.Establishing Connection: One last thing which is advised is that you should build a connection with the breeder. Observe their behavior to make sure that they care about the household their dog is being sent to. This proves that they are kind and follow humane practices while breeding the dogs.

Now that you know where to find the Bernedoodle dogs and what to look for while finding a reputable breeder. Next step is to know the types of Bernedoodle dogs you can find.

Types of Bernedoodle dogs

F1 and F2B Generation Bernedoodle:

F1 stands for First generation and the F2 B stands for First generation backcross breed. F1 generation Bernedoodle are a cross breed between poodle and a pure breed of Bernese Mountain dog. These dogs have 50 – 50 mix traits of both the parent breeds. They can vary in sizes, their temperament, their coat type depending on the traits possessed by the parent dogs.

F2B is a generation of Bernedoodle dogs which are a cross breed between poodle and F1 Bernedoodle. Since with this they have more characteristics of the poodle dogs, the resultant breed has more dominant traits of poodle than the Bernese Mountain dog. They usually have a wavy or curly coat which doesn’t shed much leading them to be hypoallergenic.

Tiny or Toy Bernedoodle:

These type of Bernedoodle are the smallest breed of these dogs. They are created by cross breeding a Bernese Mountain dog and the toy poodle. These dogs are suitable for individuals looking for a companion or small families looking for a compact sized pet.

Mini Bernedoodle:

These dogs are mini version of the standard sized Bernedoodle. They are created by cross breeding the Bernese Mountain dog with a miniature Poodle dog. They are usually bigger than the toy Bernedoodle.  These full grown Bernedoodle dogs are suitable for families which have a limited household space and are looking for adopting a small sized pet dog.

Standard sized Bernedoodle:

These full grown Bernedoodle dogs are larger than the mini Bernedoodles. They have a slightly grown built, however; their size usually depends on the type of Bernese Mountain dog and Poodle involved in the breeding. They weight from 70 to 90 pounds and grow from 25 – 29 inches till shoulders. These pets are suitable for families or couples looking for companions and require a little larger space to grow.

Characteristics of a Full grown Bernedoodle

We have gathered enough information about what Bernedoodle dogs are and where can we find them. Let’s learn more about them so we can decide which one do we wish to adopt:

  1. Friendly Nature:

Bernedoodle are very friendly and have a gentle demeanor. They get along with the people around them and adjust in the new environment easily. This shows that they have an adaptive nature leading them to be suitable for any setting where you keep them.

2.  Intelligent Beings:

A full grown Bernedoodle dog is very intelligent which it gets from both the parent breeds. They are easy to train as they grasp the instructions and commands quickly. They follow you around and react as instructed or taught. They learn quickly and listen to your commands, however; positive reinforcement is important for training your dog properly.

3. Loyalty:

They are loyal which means they form a strong bond with their owners. They enjoy companionship and close relationship with the families they live around.

4. Adaptability:

They can adapt to all types of living conditions and situations. Whether you live in a small apartment or a large farm house. They would adapt to the provided living conditions without a hassle.

5. Active & Playful:

The Bernedoodle are high on energy most of the time and have a playful nature. They like to play or exercise, go for small walks and indulge in activities which keep them busy. This makes them suitable for active family lifestyles.

6. Gentle Nature:

They possess a gentle nature which makes them suitable for families with little children. Their playful nature allows them to connect with the kids in the family well. However; it is advised to keep an eye when your kids are around the dog as a dog is still a dog.

7. Types of Coats:

These dogs usually have wavy or curly coats which makes them suitable for families who are allergic to fur or pet hair. Their coats are hypoallergenic which reduces the risk of causing allergy. The F1 generation dogs are more suitable for such families.

8. Protective Instincts:

They have strong protective instincts which they get from their parent breed of Bernese Mountain dog. Their alert nature allows them to respond to strange stimuli or unusual situations faster and notify their owners in a particular manner.

9. Affectionate:

A full grown Bernedoodle dog is an affectionate being. They like to spend family time with their owners and their family. They expression their affection towards people in their surrounding by cuddling in their laps or through physical interaction.

10. Variety of colors:

These dogs are available in various colors including black, brown and rust. Some also resemble their parent breed of Bernese Mountain dog while having a white patch on their chest surround by all black coat.

In order to look for more information on Full grown Bernedoodle, you can visit the following link: 

Taking care of a Full grown Bernedoodle

While we learn about the characteristics of Bernedoodles, it is important to know how to take care of one after adopting them.

i. Nutrition requirement:

Normally, the owners or breeders like to feed expensive dog food advertised on commercials which is fine. However; it is important to note that the food you are providing should have an adequate portion of all nutrients required by the dog to grow. It should have a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins which would ensure that your dog grows into a healthy being.

ii. Exercise and Activity:

Engage them in interactive games and allow them to exercise or play. Take them out for regular walks. This would ensure that you develop a strong bond with your Bernedoodle and it would also lead to their active growth. This will also allow the Bernedoodle to have active mental stimulation leading to be proven beneficial for their physical and menta well-being.

iii. Grooming and Care:

Take care of their grooming and hair care. Get their coat trimmed regularly, brush it on daily basis to avoid matting. Get their ears cleaned, their nails trimmed and wash their fur twice in a week to keep it clean and to avoid any bacterial traps.

iv. Health Care:

Just like all other types of dogs, Bernedoodle can also catch some disease or become sick. They might also possess a genetic condition passed on by one of the parent breeds. In order to avoid this, it is important to take them for regular veterinary checkups. Keep their medical record updated and get them vaccinated.

V. Exposure to various environments:

Expose them to more environments from a small age as it would help them to be comfortable around strangers. This will also allow them to adapt to new environments and situations easily.

vi. Training and Reinforcement:

To ensure that your dog is well behaved, train them to follow your commands. Start with the basic instructions like sit, stand, fetch, go there, come here etc. This ensures that your dog is obedient.

vii. Healthy and Clean Environment:

Provide them with a safe and clean environment. Ensure that they have a personal space to lie down and rest, buy toys for them to play and interact with. Remove any potential hazards and protects the outdoor space for their safety as well.

viii. Emotional Support:

Be extra attentive towards them during the times when they seem anxious or stressed. Interact with them more to release the anxiety and make them feel comfortable.

ix. Sociability:

You can also look for options to enroll your full grown Bernedoodle in social or obedience classes. This would promote good behavior and help them to learn basic manners and follow basic commands. They would also learn to interact with the other dogs and living organisms in their environment leading them to be more comfortable with all types of atmospheres.

In short, if you choose to adopt a Bernedoodle, you are looking for a cute companion which is available in varied sizes and colors. You can choose the one you like and have a friend if you are alone or have a companion which would develop a strong bond with you. These wonderful hybrid beings are adaptive and extremely friendly. Choosing the right breed as per your requirements, adopting it, providing it with a loving and caring environment would lead to a healthy and happy life for both the owner and dog.

If you are looking for other dog types to pet, you can use the following link to explore

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